Saturday, October 25, 2008

Northwest Cascades

Northwest Cascades, 14'' x 16'', Fuji Watercolors and Ink

Mystic Peaks, Rainier! [Sold $100]

Donated to MSAuction for United Way, Mystic Peaks, Rainier! 14'' X 16'', Fuji Watercolors [100$]

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colors Fall! [Sold $100]

Donated to, Colors Fall! [SOLD OUT], 10'' X 12'' Watercolors [100$]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Winds of Change

Winds of Change, 20'' X 24'', WaterColors

Race for the Sky

Race for the Sky, 20'' X 24'', WaterColors

Winter on the Wilds [Sold $50]

Donated to, Winter on the Wilds, 10''X 12'', WaterColors [50$]